Some of the top corporations based in the United States rake in billions of dollars in revenue every year. However, some companies make more money with smaller workforces. For instance, retail giant Walmart requires millions of employees around the world to keep their operations running, while technology companies like Apple require a fraction of the employees to keep things going while still making an impressive amount of revenue. How much are the country’s top employers really making per employee?
The TitleMax research team took a look at the 50 largest U.S.-based employers to see which corporation has the highest amount of revenue per employee. Find out which company came out on top!

How Much The Largest US-Based Employers Make Per Employee Transcript
Based on Revenue for the 2019 Fiscal Year
Rank | Name | Industry | Worldwide Revenue for Fiscal Year 2019 (USD) | Worldwide Employees | Estimated revenue per employee in 2019 |
1 | Apple Inc. | Electronics industry | $274,515,000,000 | 137,000 | 2,003,759.12 |
2 | Microsoft | Technology | $143,000,000,000 | 144,000 | 993,055.56 |
3 | Verizon Communications | Telecommunications | $131,868,000,000 | 135,000 | 976,800.00 |
4 | CVS Health | Healthcare | $268,706,000,000 | 290,000 | 926,572.41 |
5 | General Motors | Automotive | $137,237,000,000 | 164,000 | 836,810.98 |
6 | Ford Motor Company | Automotive industry | $155,900,000,000 | 190,000 | 820,526.32 |
7 | UnitedHealth Group | Healthcare | $257,141,000,000 | 325,000 | 791,203.08 |
8 | Costco | Retail | $152,703,000,000 | 201,500 | 757,831.27 |
9 | AT&T | Conglomerate | $181,193,000,000 | 247,800 | 731,206.62 |
10 | Berkshire Hathaway | Conglomerate | $254,616,000,000 | 391,500 | 650,360.15 |
11 | Comcast | Telecommunications | $108,942,000,000 | 190,000 | 573,378.95 |
12 | Dell Technologies | Technology | $92,154,000,000 | 165,000 | 558,509.09 |
13 | JPMorgan Chase | Financial services | $142,422,000,000 | 256,981 | 554,212.18 |
14 | Bank of America | Financials | $113,589,000,000 | 208,131 | 545,757.24 |
15 | Citigroup | Financials | $103,449,000,000 | 200,000 | 517,245.00 |
16 | Walgreens Boots Alliance | Pharmaceutical industry | $136,866,000,000 | 287,000 | 476,885.02 |
17 | Boeing | Aerospace and defense | $76,559,000,000 | 161,100 | 475,226.57 |
18 | General Electric | Conglomerate | $95,214,000,000 | 205,000 | 464,458.54 |
19 | Wells Fargo | Financials | $103,915,000,000 | 259,800 | 399,980.75 |
20 | United Technologies | Conglomerate | $77,046,000,000 | 243,200 | 316,800.99 |
21 | Amazon | Retail | $386,064,000,000 | 1,225,300 | 315,077.12 |
22 | The Walt Disney Company | Media | $69,570,000,000 | 223,000 | 311,973.09 |
23 | Tyson Foods | Food Processing | $42,405,000,000 | 141,000 | 300,744.68 |
24 | Oracle Corporation | Software | $39,506,000,000 | 136,000 | 290,485.29 |
25 | Kroger | Retail | $122,286,000,000 | 435,000 | 281,117.24 |
26 | Lowe’s | Retail | $72,148,000,000 | 260,000 | 277,492.31 |
27 | The Home Depot | Retail | $110,225,000,000 | 415,700 | 265,155.16 |
28 | PepsiCo | Beverage | $70,370,000,000 | 267,000 | 263,558.05 |
29 | Walmart | Retail | $559,200,000,000 | 2,200,000 | 254,181.82 |
30 | Albertsons | Retail | $60,535,000,000 | 267,000 | 226,722.85 |
31 | Target Corporation | Retail | $78,112,000,000 | 368,000 | 212,260.87 |
32 | HCA Healthcare | Healthcare | $51,336,000,000 | 245,000 | 209,534.69 |
33 | IBM | Technology | $77,147,000,000 | 383,800 | 201,008.34 |
34 | United Parcel Service | Transportation | $74,094,000,000 | 377,640 | 196,202.73 |
35 | Dollar General | Retail | $27,754,000,000 | 143,000 | 194,083.92 |
36 | Publix | Retail | $38,463,000,000 | 207,000 | 185,811.59 |
37 | FedEx | Transportation | $69,693,000,000 | 389,500 | 178,929.40 |
38 | TJX | Retail | $41,717,000,000 | 286,000 | 145,863.64 |
39 | Jabil | Electronic Manufacturing Service | $25,282,000,000 | 200,000 | 126,410.00 |
40 | Lear Corporation | Automotive | $19,810,000,000 | 164,100 | 120,719.07 |
41 | Marriott International | Hospitality | $20,972,000,000 | 174,000 | 120,528.74 |
42 | McDonald’s | Food Chain | $21,077,000,000 | 205,000 | 102,814.63 |
43 | Synnex | Information distribution | $23,757,000,000 | 240,900 | 98,617.68 |
44 | Starbucks | Food Services | $26,509,000,000 | 346,000 | 76,615.61 |
45 | Aramark | Food service | $16,227,000,000 | 233,400 | 69,524.42 |
46 | Cognizant | Information technology | $16,783,000,000 | 292,500 | 57,377.78 |
47 | Hilton Worldwide | Hospitality | $9,452,000,000 | 173,000 | 54,635.84 |
48 | ABM Industries | Facility Services | $6,499,000,000 | 140,000 | 46,421.43 |
49 | Darden Restaurants | Restaurants | $8,510,000,000 | 184,514 | 46,121.16 |
50 | Yum China | Food chain | $8,776,000,000 | 450,500 | 19,480.58 |
Which Companies Have the Highest Revenue per Employee?
Out of the 50 largest employers based in the United States, these are the 25 companies that have the highest average revenue per employee based on the number of individuals employed worldwide:
- Apple Inc.: $2,003,759.12
- Microsoft: $993,055.56
- Verizon Communications: $976,800.00
- CVS Health: $926,572.41
- General Motors: $836,810.98
- Ford Motor Company: $820,526.32
- UnitedHealth Group: $791,203.08
- Costco: $757,831.27
- AT&T: $731,206.62
- Berkshire Hathaway: $650,360.15
- Comcast: $573,378.95
- Dell Technologies: $558,509.09
- JPMorgan Chase: $554,212.18
- Bank of America: $545,757.24
- Citigroup: $517,245.00
- Walgreens Boots Alliance: $476,885.02
- Boeing: $475,226.57
- General Electric: $464,458.54
- Wells Fargo: $399,980.75
- United Technologies: $316,800.99
- Amazon: $315,077.12
- The Walt Disney Company: $311,973.09
- Tyson Foods: $300,744.68
- Oracle Corporation: $290,485.29
- Kroger: $281,117.24
Based on its 137,000 employees around the world, Apple earns more than $2,000,000 in revenue per employee. Compared to other companies on the list, they have a relatively lower number of employees but very high revenue. Coming in second is Microsoft, which employs 144,000 employees worldwide and earns more than $993,000 per employee.
Of the 50 largest U.S.-based employers, these are the 25 with the lowest revenue per employee:
- Yum China: $19,480.58
- Darden Restaurants: $46,121.16
- ABM Industries: $46,421.43
- Hilton Worldwide: $54,635.84
- Cognizant: $57,377.78
- Aramark: $69,524.42
- Starbucks: $76,615.61
- Synnex: $98,617.68
- McDonald’s: $102,814.63
- Marriott International: $120,528.74
- Lear Corporation: $120,719.07
- Jabil: $126,410.00
- TJX: $145,863.64
- FedEx: $178,929.40
- Publix: $185,811.59
- Dollar General: $194,083.92
- United Parcel Service: $196,202.73
- IBM: $201,008.34
- HCA Healthcare: $209,534.69
- Target Corporation: $212,260.87
- Albertsons: $226,722.85
- Walmart: $254,181.82
- PepsiCo: $263,558.05
- The Home Depot: $265,155.16
- Lowe’s: $277,492.31
A majority of corporations at the lower end of the list are food service, retail, and hospitality businesses that require a large workforce in order to keep things running. They require a high number of servers, warehouse employees, cleaning staff, and customer service representatives to keep business humming along smoothly at all hours of the day, not just the traditional 9-to-5 working hours. While these companies still have a lot of revenue coming in, because of their need for many employees, they earn significantly less revenue per employee than high-margin technology and financial services companies.